Social Studies Lab

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Socialism is an ideology that cherishes equality. The means of production are managed by the working people, and there is a democratically elected government. Central planning distributes common goods, such as mass transit, housing, and energy, while the free market is allowed to distribute consumer goods.  You can take this nifty short quiz to find out if you are a social democrat. In the United States Socialism is back in fashion and it is gaining support among America’s youth. A recent YouGov survey found that 43 percent of respondents under the age of 30 had a favorable view of socialism. Only 32 percent had a favorable view of capitalism.

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  1. Translate socialism into plain English.

  2. What are the two beliefs of socialism in the US?

  3. Identify three policies American socialists would enact if they could.

  4. How do you most agree with socialism?

  5. What is socialism’s biggest beef with conservativism?

  6. Describe an example of socialism in current events:

  7. What emoji does the best job of representing the meaning of socialism?

  8. In what ways is Joseph R. Biden a socialism and in what ways is he not?

  9. If you were a socialist and had to choose between a generic Democrat and a Republican presidential candidate. Which would you most likely chose and why?

  10. In what way does your own ideology align with socialism?


Now, let’s commit this term to our long-term memory. On a scrap piece of paper, take 10 or 20 seconds to draw socialism! Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. No one else will see this but you. Look at your drawing. That’s all - now it’s downloaded into your memory. Destroy the piece of paper in a most delightful way.

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GoPo Glossary

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