Full Faith and Credit Clause


Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, known as the "Full Faith and Credit Clause", addresses the duties that states within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state." For example, because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause New Hampshire must recognize a motor vehicle license from Virginia, even though everybody knows Virginians can't drive! This term is NEVER abbreviated to FF and CC because that would be silly and sounds like the initials of a really boring couple. Full Faith and Credit Clause is also not the name of Santa's off-season accounting firm. If it weren't for the Full Faith and Credit Clause, you'd have to get a married again each time you and your spouse moved to a new state. That could be very expensive and time consuming, but you'd get tons of cool wedding presents!




  1. What does The Full Faith and Credit Clause require all states to do?

  2. Use Full Faith and Credit Clause in a sentence that you wouldn't be embarrassed for your mother to read.

  3. Think of an example of Full Faith and Credit Clause in current events:

  4. Rank the following clauses in order of importance to the USA: Commerce, National Supremacy, Full Faith and Credit, & Necessary and Proper:What does national supremacy mean in your own words?

  5. If you were writing a rap, what would be a good rhyme with Full Faith and Credit Clause?

  6. What part of the Constitution set up The Full Faith and Credit Clause?

  7. Do you think Santa has a brother named Full Faith and Credit Clause?

  8. What emoji would best summarize the meaning of The Full Faith and Credit Clause

  9. If we got rid of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, how would our nation change?

  10. Why do you think the Framers of The Constitution added The Full Faith and Credit Clause?


Now, let’s commit this term to our long-term memory. On a scrap piece of paper, take 10 or 20 seconds to draw The Full Faith and Credit Clause! Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. No one else will see this but you. Look at your drawing. That’s all - now it’s downloaded into your memory. Destroy the piece of paper in a most delightful way.

Further Review


Concurrent Powers


National Supremacy