Social Studies Lab

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Participatory democracy


Participatory democracy: (The United States is a representative democracy. Representative democracies can take several forms along the scale from Participatory democracy, Pluralist democracy, to Elite democracy). Participatory democracy is a model of democracy in which citizens have the power to decide directly on policy and politicians are responsible for implementing those policy decisions. In a participatory democracy, town hall meetings and referendums are examples of people having the power to make policy decisions. In a pluralist democracy, participation in groups formed around common causes is the chief method to influence policy decisions. In an elite democracy, only a small number of elite individuals have sway in making policy decision.


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  1. What is participatory democracy?

  2. Use participatory democracy in a sentence (that you will be proud for an admissions officer to find on your Instagram page one day):

  3. Describe a connection to participatory democracy in current events:

  4. Find an image related to participatory democracy or show the concept as an emoji or emojis:

  5. Describe an example in current politics that illustrates the idea of participatory democracy:

  6. Has American republican democracy become more of a participatory democracy over time?

  7. Does a participatory democracy empower all Americans the same?

  8. Has the current President increased or decreased American participatory democracy?

AP Studio Art

Now draw participatory democracy Take 10 or 20 seconds. That’s all you need. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Now Look at your drawing. You’ve got it. That’s all.

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